Our services
Security consulting
We happy to share our experience and cases with every company who care about security
Close protection
More than 25 specially trained bodyguards are ready to provide for your safety 24 hours a day
Security systems
Development of security and fire protection systems for homes and offices any level of complexity
learn the cost of protecting your property
Our price table
CCTV System
This plan for small business
Commodo aliquam neque
Aliquam magna nisl
Pellentesque suscipit quis.
Aenean est turpis
Molestie mollis risus
Donec et tortor auctor
CCTV System Gold
This plan for small business
Commodo aliquam neque
Aliquam magna nisl
Pellentesque suscipit quis.
Aenean est turpis
Molestie mollis risus
Donec et tortor auctor
IP Systems
This plan for middle business
Commodo aliquam neque
Aliquam magna nisl
Pellentesque suscipit quis.
Aenean est turpis
Molestie mollis risus
Donec et tortor auctor
Video Analytics
This plan for big business
Commodo aliquam neque
Aliquam magna nisl
Pellentesque suscipit quis.
Aenean est turpis
Molestie mollis risus
Donec et tortor auctor
Call our Security Team
You can also fill out our online form if you are interested in learning more.
We are ready to keep you and your business safe and secure.
Company news
What clients say
Director general
Ma numesc NAN PETRU,sunt director general al SC TACHONAN SERVICE SRL,partener oficial al concernului CONTINENTAL VDO-AUTOMOTIV. De 10 ani colaboram intr-un parteneriat deosebit de fructuos cu SC .INOVA INTERNATIONAL din Oradea, in activitatea de IT si managementul resurselor digitale. Caracteristica colaborarii dintre cele doua firme de alungul anilor s-a concretizat in: eficienta,professionalism,promtitudine. Solutii tehnice si
Inova a fost firma in care mi-am început cariera de SysAdmin. Alături de un colectiv tânăr si dinamic, am reușit sa capăt experiența, sa descopăr si sa lucrez cu tehnologii noi atât din zona de SysAdmin cat si din zona de sisteme de securitate. Inova continua sa fie o companie cu profesioniști, orientati spre a
Security Services
For corporate clients
To prevent tampering and unauthorized entry into the premises by our engineers developed a burglar alarm system in the house.
Installation of the alarm will be an effective means of protection of the property when you leave the house unattended.
Innovative technologies for the protection of housing, makes the cost of the security system for a country house fully justified.